The Mayor’s Fund seeks to address the most pressing issues facing Long Beach students by focusing on 3 primary Impact Areas:
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Our goal is to support broader access to quality early childhood education which is vital to closing achievement gaps and ensuring every child is kindergarten-ready.
Internship Opportunities
By supporting internships not only do we improve students’ chances of success in the working world, we also provide more opportunities for our graduates to stay here and begin their lives in Long Beach.
Improving College Completion
The Long Beach College Promise is a commitment from the Long Beach Unified School District, Long Beach City College, California State University, Long Beach and the City that has shown significant gains for students in college access, preparation and post-secondary credential completion. The Mayor’s Fund aims to increase support to every Long Beach high school graduate who wants to attend college and students as they work towards their degrees.
Aquarium of the Pacific STEM & Literacy Nights
The partnership between the Mayor’s Fund and AOP improves STEM learning for younger students and their families by building upon the strengths of AOP’s subject-matter expertise and the Mayor’s Fund’s connection to an expansive early education network to improve STEM learning. The Aquarium offers educational programs for people of all ages from hands-on activities to lectures by leading scientists. Through these programs and a variety of multimedia experiences, opportunities to delve deeper into ocean science and learn more about our planet are presented at the Aquarium.